Artigo apresentado no dia 17/10/2013: Milena Parteli
Self-reported and performance-based functional status and associated factors among elderly men: the Finnish cohorts of the Seven Countries Study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, v. 51, n. 12,1243-1252, 1998.
Artigo apresentado 11/09/2013: Aline Modolo Serafim
Mechanisms of pelvic floor muscle function and the effect on the urethra during a coug. European Urology, 57 (2010): 1101–1110.
Artigo apresentado 28/08/2013: Victor Freire
Contractures Secondary to Immobility: Is the Restriction Articular or Muscular? An Experimental Longitudinal Study in the Rat Knee. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, v. 81, 2000.