Bruce Alberts: A importância de se aprender com os erros

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Endoplasmic reticulum stress in human skeletal muscle: any contribution to sarcopenia?

Publicado em bioquímica, fisiologia, Músculo | Deixe um comentário

Perfis do Twitter que valem um “Follow”

  • Prof. Dr. Keith Baar – Universidade da Califórnia: @MuscleScience
  • Prof. Dr. Stuart Phillips – Universidade McMaster: @mackinprof
  • Dr. Layne Norton – Natural Bodybuilder e Coach: @BioLayne
  • Prof. Dr. Marc Francaux – Universidade de Louvain: @MarcFrancaux
  • Profa Dra Louise Deldicque – Universidade de Louvain: @LDeldicque
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Duncan – Universidade de Coventry: @MikeDunky
  • Dr. Jose Antonio – Presidente da Sociedade Internacional de Nutrição Esportiva: @DrJoseAntonio
  • Prof. Dr. Asker Jeukendrup – Gatorade Institute: @Jeukendrup
  • Prof. Dr. Kevin Tipton – Universidade de Stirling: @stirproftip
  • Prof. Dr. David Lee Hamilton – Universidade de Stirling: @dlhamilton82
  • Prof. Dr. Leigh Breen – Universidade de Birminghan: @LeighBreen
  • Prof. Dr. Adam Sharples – Universidade de Bedforshire: @DrAdamPSharples
  • Dave Hudghes – Doutorando na Universidade de Bedforshire: @HudghesDC_MCMP
  • Prof. Dr. Craig Sale – Universidade de Nottinghan Trend: @SaleExNut
  • Prof. Dr. Andrew Jones – Universidade de Exeter: @AndyBeetroot
  • Dan Ogborn – Treinador e doutorando na Universidade McMaster: @DanOgborn
  • Prof. Ms. Marcelo Leal – Treinador: @Mlarciprete
  • Prof. Dr. Frederico Gerlinger Romero: Pós-doc na Universidade de São Paulo: @cienciaexerblog

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Special Issue on Skeletal Muscle Physiology

Foi publicada nossa edição especial em Fisiologia do Músculo Esquelético no Scientific World Journal. A edição conta com artigos originais e de revisão sobre o tema.

Clique aqui para download da edição completa

Publicado em download, fisiologia, Músculo | Deixe um comentário

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), initiated by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) together with a group of editors and publishers of scholarly journals, recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scientific research are evaluated. The group met in December 2012 during the ASCB Annual Meeting in San Francisco and subsequently circulated a draft declaration among various stakeholders. DORA as it now stands has benefited from input by many of the original signers listed below. It is a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines. We encourage individuals and organizations who are concerned about the appropriate assessment of scientific research to sign DORA.

Link to the declaration:

Link to PDF download:

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Authorship Guidelines – Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Eu já postei anteriormente aqui no blog as diretrizes para publicações científicas que eu adoto no Grupo de Pesquisa (Link). Conforme expliquei, adotei os critérios estabelecidos pelo Professor Keith Baar da UCLA, por considera-los de bom senso e totalmente de acordo com a ética científica.

Outra opção também válida é utilizar as diretrizes de autoria científica estabelecidas por Paul Friedman da Council of Science Editors (CSE).

Segue o link:

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Muscle Wasting and Resistance of Muscle Anabolism: The “Anabolic Threshold Concept” for Adapted Nutritional Strategies during Sarcopenia

Novo artigo de revisão do Dr. Dominique Dardevet, publicado em nossa edição especial de Fisiologia do Músculo Esquelético no The Scientific World Journal.


Skeletal muscle loss is observed in several physiopathological situations. Strategies to prevent, slow down, or increase recovery of muscle have already been tested. Besides exercise, nutrition, and more particularly protein nutrition based on increased amino acid, leucine or the quality of protein intake has generated positive acute postprandial effect on muscle protein anabolism. However, on the long term, these nutritional strategies have often failed in improving muscle mass even if given for long periods of time in both humans and rodent models. Muscle mass loss situations have been often correlated to a resistance of muscle protein anabolism to food intake which may be explained by an increase of the anabolic threshold toward the stimulatory effect of amino acids. In this paper, we will emphasize how this anabolic resistance may affect the intensity and the duration of the muscle anabolic response at the postprandial state and how it may explain the negative results obtained on the long term in the prevention of muscle mass. Sarcopenia, the muscle mass loss observed during aging, has been chosen to illustrate this concept but it may be kept in mind that it could be extended to any other catabolic states

Link para o artigo completo:






Publicado em Músculo, paper, pesquisa | Deixe um comentário

Artigo: Danos musculares irreversíveis devido a injeções intramusculares de óleo em Bodybuilder semi-profissional.

Int J Sports Med 2012; 33(10): 829-834
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1311582

Irreversible Muscle Damage in Bodybuilding due to Long-Term Intramuscular Oil Injection

I. J. Banke, P. M. Prodinger, S. Waldt, G. Weirich, B. M. Holzapfel, R. Gradinger, H. Rechl


Intramuscular oil injections generating slowly degrading oil-based depots represent a controversial subject in bodybuilding and fitness. However they seem to be commonly reported in a large number of non-medical reports, movies and application protocols for ‘site-injections’. Surprisingly the impact of long-term (ab)use on the musculature as well as potential side-effects compromising health and sports ability are lacking in the medical literature. We present the case of a 40 year old male semi-professional bodybuilder with systemic infection and painful reddened swellings of the right upper arm forcing him to discontinue weightlifting. Over the last 8 years he daily self-injected sterilized sesame seed oil at numerous intramuscular locations for the purpose of massive muscle building. Whole body MRI showed more than 100 intramuscular rather than subcutaneous oil cysts and loss of normal muscle anatomy. 2-step septic surgery of the right upper arm revealed pus-filled cystic scar tissue with the near-complete absence of normal muscle. MRI 1 year later revealed the absence of relevant muscle regeneration. Persistent pain and inability to perform normal weight training were evident for at least 3 years post-surgery. This alarming finding indicating irreversible muscle mutilation may hopefully discourage people interested in bodybuilding and fitness from oil-injections. The impact of such chronic tissue stress on other diseases like malignancy remains to be determined.


Acesse aqui o artigo completo: [ link ]

Publicado em musculação, paper, saúde | Deixe um comentário

Frontiers in Physiology: Topic on Striated Muscle Physiology

Estamos com um tópico especial no Frontiers in Physiology, periódico com indexação Pubmed. Segue abaixo o Call for Papers.


Frontiers in Skeletal Muscle Wasting, Regeneration and Stem Cells

Hosted By:

Carlos Hermano da Justa Pinheiro, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Lucas Guimarães-Ferreira, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil

Deadline for abstract submission: 01 Feb 2013

Deadline for full article submission: 10 Jul 2013

The search for knowledge on cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in skeletal muscle mass homeostasis and regeneration is an exciting scientific area and extremely important to development therapeutic strategies to treat neuromuscular disorders and conditions related to muscle wasting. The mechanisms involved in regulation of skeletal muscle mass and regeneration consist of molecular signaling pathways modulating protein synthesis and degradation, bioenergetics alterations and an appropriated function of muscle stem cells. In the last years, different kinds of stem cells has been reported to be localized into skeletal muscle tissue (satellite cells, mesoangioblasts, progenitor interstitial cells and others) or migrate from non-muscle sites, such as bone marrow, in response to injury or stretch. In addition, myogenic progenitor cells are also activated in skeletal muscle wasting disorders. The goal of this research topic is to highlight the available knowledge regarding skeletal muscle and stem cell biology in the context of both physiological and pathological conditions.

Link para o Site da edição

Publicado em Músculo, notícias, pesquisa | Deixe um comentário

Metabolismo Energético

Publicado em bioquímica | Deixe um comentário