Do you know the importance of play in childhood and how it influences the development of children? During the first stages of education, especially for children, play is one of the fundamental activities for the development of identity and autonomy.
In this sense, we understand narrative play as a type of free play. It’s a moment when children can “create” their own stories, their own world and express themselves.
The file below contains some ideas on how to include narrative play in your classes. Feel free to download it and to use with your students. If you like it, share this post with other teachers and let us know in the comments!
Texto e arquivo elaborados pelas alunas Alana Gava, Ana Flávia Martins Barbosa e Larissa Rodrigues Monteiro. Este trabalho integra o projeto ‘Educação linguística: compartilhando saberes e práticas’ (registro na PROEX nº 3666).